The Top 5 Egg Vibrators Of 2023 That Will Drive You Crazy!

Every woman likes a good egg vibrator but there are no two similar egg vibrators out there. With different settings and different feelings, some women even use them in some unorthodox ways. If you are looking for the best of the best though, you won’t have to look any further!

The Top 5 Egg Vibrators Of 2023 That Will Drive You Crazy!

Girl in white pants holding a sex toy


Whether they admit to it or not, a girl’s best friend is her vibrator – The most commonly used of all female sex toys.

The days of the massive, clunky and loud vibrators are long gone. Women these days are much more open about pleasure and discerning with what they choose to use. 2021’s vibrators are more discreet, quiet, and portable than ever. In fact, they are even easy to fit in your handbag. Vibrators come in all shapes and sizes, the most popular of which is the egg vibrator. As we all need more pleasure in our lives, here’s our guide to the 5 best egg vibrators you cannot afford to miss!


1. Lovense Lush 3

The first on the list is a compact, yet hardcore vibrator which is quiet and discreet. It has a clitoral stimulator for extra pleasure too! If you’re brave enough, there is also a remote-control app to download. You could get your partner to control your pleasure, whenever and wherever! It has a USB charger and is made of safe-to-use and easy-to-clean silicone. What’s not to love about it?


Pros: Your partner could really make your life interesting, using the app at varying times and taking you by complete surprise. You won’t know where it came from… literally!

Cons: Conversely, because you don’t know what is coming, you could be in a board meeting or shopping. So prepare yourself for the odd, weird look or noise coming out of your mouth. It might be good to practice your best poker face to be on the safe side.

Sex toys on the bed

2. Zemalia Doris Remote Vibrating Bug

This cute, little, bug-shaped egg vibrator is really versatile. Cylindrical shape and 4 inches long, this bug will be your new best friend. The bug is elongated, which makes it much easier to use during sex. So, you could put it to good use while in the cowgirl position. For example, your partner could use it on you for double pleasure, whilst you are sitting on top of them. I’m guessing this is where the saying snug as a bug came from!

Pros: You will love this so much you will want to take it everywhere. It will be switched on more than it will be off!


Cons: You will need to take spare panties wherever you go. More than one pair for sure, because life is about to get really interesting for you!

3. Picobong Remoji Diver


Not as cute as the bug, in fact, it looks more like a shower head. But don’t let its looks fool you, this baby is plenty of fun. When it is fully charged, it has up to 2 hours of full-on pleasure time. The long battery charge makes it perfect for public fun. Insertion is simple and comfortable, and it is so easy to walk around with, inside of you. This makes it easier to pretend to be interested when your mate is going on about their crappy day at work. Whether you’re eating at a restaurant or picking up your dry cleaning, no one will ever be any wiser!


Pros: You will cum so hard you may leap through time. However, you could end up reinventing the theory of relativity.


Cons: You will need to stretch off, hydrate and lie down for the rest of the day, or even two. Also, this vibrator is definitely not for the faint-hearted.


4. Lyla 2 by Lelo


This is the most typically egg-shaped vibrator on the list. The Lyla is waterproof, so it is perfect for some wet and wild fun. This buzzy beauty is suitable for the bath, shower, or even the swimming pool or beach if you are the adventurous type. Let’s put it this way, if you are on a weight-watchers diet, this vibrating egg would be more than 100 of your sins! It has a long battery life too at 2 and a half hours. This means you will be buzzing around like a busy little pleasure bee for hours.


Pros: It takes pleasure to a whole new level, so brace yourself. You will be very annoyed with yourself for not getting one sooner.


Cons: You will not be able to do anything that may require rational thought. It might be better to write down your name and year, as you may experience short-term memory loss after trying this.


Egg vibrators


5. The We-Vibe Jive


This vibrator is a serious kit and, dare I say, it looks a bit like a sperm. That image aside, the egg slips easily into the vagina and the clit stimulator has 6 settings and nearly a 2-hour charge, guaranteed to take you to the moon and back. Who on earth needs Jeff Bezos, eh? You can literally use this everywhere; it’s that versatile. In the water, outdoors, indoors, basically wherever the mood takes you!


Pros: Cumtastic, orgasmic, every sexy adjective there is. You won’t need a box to levitate like David Blaine.


Cons: Sad to report that it won’t turn your partner into Christian Gray but at this point you really won’t care.


 Egg vibrators come in all shapes and sizes and are perfectly contoured for easy insertion. They can be used in the bedroom and are perfect for playing in public too. Some have apps, so they can be controlled remotely, and some are more complicated with clit stimulators and work whilst having sex with your partner. And if you didn’t know, egg vibrators are the best toys to spice up your sex life if it’s been lacking some “sparks” as of late – for both women and men!

It is a good idea to be prepared and make sure they are fully charged. This means they are ready and raring to go when you are feeling in the mood. There is literally an egg vibrator for every occasion, so do some research or buy more than one. Spoil yourself! Some will give you an almost out-of-body experience and with some, you will need to lie down in a darkened room for the rest of the day. Good luck and choose your egg carefully!