Oral (With Condom) Escorts

Oral is an extremely popular sex act worldwide, and many enjoy the sensation without using a condom, however, receiving or taking part in oral sex using protection helps minimise the possibility of contracting an STI. Many escorts prefer to use protection for every single act for the safety of all parties concerned. Once you build a relationship with your chosen escort, this may change at their discretion.
Although your penis may be covered, hygiene still plays an important role. Make sure you groom and wash before meeting and taking part in this exciting foreplay. Your partner may not want to take part in Oral if she believes you are unhygienic. Prepare well for your meeting, lather your body with soap and warm water. You would not want to miss out on this!
Applying the condom does have to be boring and mundane; this can be all part of the cheeky fun! You may wish to apply the condom yourself to make sure it is safe and secure; however, your erotic gal may like to put it on herself firmly, getting your penis rock hard, or even more fun by applying it with her mouth. Make sure you ask your partner. This can be the start of the magical and sensuous experience!
When receiving Oral whilst wearing a condom the fun doesn’t have to stop when you are close to finishing! Because you are wearing a condom, your partner will most likely let you cum in her mouth as you are both protected. If this is what you wish, you may cum elsewhere, such as her breasts or ass. Remember to give your chosen escort a warning beforehand, so you know it is allowed and that all parties concerned know what to expect!