Lap Dancing Escorts

Lap Dancing is a type of arousing dance where during the performance you sit down whilst your partner dances sexually for you; this could be from a distance or grinding their body against yours whilst sitting on your lap.
The dancer could be in sexy clothing and choose to strip whilst doing the dance or do this topless, or completely naked!
The dancer will tease you with their body to sexually stimulate you and the erotic moves will turn you on, making you long for the main event when you both cannot control yourself any longer.
This is exciting for both, and it makes the dancer feel sexy and wanted whilst you sit back and enjoy the performance.
If this is something you want your escort to do for you, set rules beforehand; for example, is touching allowed? As to tease you longer you might decide not to touch until you are begging for it, or you might want to grab her hips to help guide her powerful grinds on your lap to the provocative music.
Lap Dancing is all about teasing, and it is a fun experience for both, building that sexual tension to its highest!