Fisting Escorts

Fisting is where the full hand penetrates the vagina or anus, this can be as far as up to the wrist!
This can be done during masturbation or with your partner during foreplay.
Fisting is considered to be an advanced sexual technique. If you are doing this activity during foreplay you must make sure you communicate with your partner that he/she is happy as caution is needed, if not it can result in anal or vaginal tearing causing great discomfort and will increase any risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs).
To make sure no anal or vaginal tearing happens, you need to make sure you or your partner are fully relaxed. For this to be a much more pleasurable experience it is highly recommended to use a lot of lubricant and that you and your partner have a great level of trust beforehand.
Make sure you communicate with your escort; get to know what she likes and build that trust with her so you both feel comfortable and relaxed. Also, discuss what lubricant you would like to use and discuss any allergies that you may have.
If you would like to receive anal Fisting don't be offended if your escort uses latex gloves, this could be for a number of reasons, but mainly it is safer and more hygienic for all parties concerned.
Different techniques
A method of Fisting is called duck billing, this is where the thumb and little finger touch each other, and then the middle three fingers stack on top of each other. The reason why it is called duck billing is because your hand should form the shape of a duck's beak.
The hand is then slowly inserted into the anus or vagina. Again communication is key because whoever is receiving can tell you how fast or slow they would like the hand to penetrate them.