Booking an Adult Companion

Adult companion

Booking an Adult Companion


If you’ve chosen to read this, chances are you’re looking to, or at least thinking about, booking an escort. You’ve done well in choosing the Cupid Escorts directory. The Cupid Escorts team goes out of its way to promote the finest independent and agency talents in the UK. This is a good opportunity to provide some guidance that we hope you’ll find useful in your quest.


Before we get to the how-to component of this article, rest assured that you are far from the first person to look for adult companionship from an escort. It’s a tale as old as time, and certainly nothing to be ashamed of. The time you share with your choice of escort is based on consent between adults, so enjoy yourself!


You may be wondering why there is an entire index of adult professionals promoting their talents on Cupid Escorts. Firstly, the Cupid Escorts directory spans the UK. It wouldn’t be particularly practical to seek a date with an escort in Edinburgh when you’re in London, although if there’s a will, there’s a way. Additionally, individuals’ tastes vary. Some like ‘em tall, while others prefer short. Blondes, redheads, and brunettes. Even young Birmingham escorts are popular. Variety is, after all, the spice of life. Some escorts specialise in shorter meetups, while others are better suited for a night out on the town or to take as a date to an event. With Cupid Escorts, the companionship world is your oyster.


Enough tooting our own horn, let’s get to yours. First and foremost, decide what type of date you have in mind. Are you looking to dance the night away with a minx, a dinner affair, a function, or a shorter rendezvous with your chosen partner? This, along with your personal taste, should help form some image of the type of individual you’d like to book a date with. Now that you have this image in your mind, let’s get to the directory.


Simply go to the Cupid Escorts directory and confirm that you are in fact over 18 years of age. Once in, filter to the city in which you intend to have your date. The profiles you will find are as real as the pictures and contact details. The adult talent does provide some details relating to their interests and services, but if you’re interested in anything specific, best to confirm when arranging the booking.


While reviewing the escorts available in your chosen area, you will note that they fall roughly into one of two categories. Either independent escorts or ones operating through an agency. The differences end at the booking stage, but the difference is worth understanding. Independent escorts work for themselves, as the name suggests. Therefore, when using the contact details provided on the Cupid Escorts index, you will likely be speaking to your chosen talent directly. On the other hand, agency escorts leave their promotion and booking services to the agency, as the name suggests. This means that when using the contact details, you will likely speak with a representative rather than the talent themselves. As stated earlier, there is categorically no reason to be bashful, so don’t let either booking method put you off.


Lastly, here are some tips for the date itself:

  • Be prompt. The escorts value their time and you should show respect by doing likewise.
  • Be clean. Again, good hygiene shows respect for your date.
  • Pay the agreed amount on arrival.


It’s really just that simple! So, stop reading and let Cupid Escorts help make that dream date come true when Booking an Adult Companion.